

Prof. Franco is regularly invited to give interviews about his team research work. You will also find here press articles talking about and other media ressources.


Prof. Franco giving an interview about his research activties to the CNRS and the Région Hauts-de-France for the Joli Mois de l'Europe 2024 (2024).

Prof. Franco giving an invited conference about his research in the "Artificial Intelligence for Materials Design" workshop, organized by CICECO Aveiro Institute of Materials (May 2, 2024).

Prof. Franco giving an invited lecture in the Colloque "Jumeaux Numériques: Nouvelles Frontières" (Paris, France) (2024).

Prof. Franco giving an interview about lithium ion batteries and his research activities in Le Blob (2023).

Prof. Franco giving an invited conference at Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Ferbuary 28, 2023).

Prof. Franco giving an invited Battery 2030+ Excellence Seminar.entitled "Digitalisation of Battery Manufacturing Processes: Why and How?" (April 5, 2022).

Prof. Franco and his research team presenting the ERC-funded ARTISTIC project, in the occasion of the Science is Wonderful! 2020 festival organized by the European Commission (2020).

Prof. Franco giving the opening lecture in the ERC-funded ARTISTIC Project Webinar Series 2020 - 1st Battery Manufacturing Days (2020).

Prof. Franco giving the closing lecture in the ERC-funded ARTISTIC Project Webinar Series 2020 - 1st Battery Manufacturing Days (2020).

Prof. Franco giving an interview in France 3 TV Channel (2019). Talking about his Virtual Reality serious games for battery education and his ERC-funded ARTISTIC project.

Prof. Franco and students talking about Virtual Reality serious games for learning operation principles of battery technologies (2019) (UPJV).

Opening ceremony of Prof. Franco's ERC-funded ARTISTIC project at the Energy Hub in Amiens, France, organized by CNRS and Université de Picardie Jules Verne (2018).

Prof. Franco's teaching activities with Virtual Reality highlighted in this promotional video of IFP School (Rueil Malmaison, France) (2017).

Prof. Franco giving an interview about his research activties to the RS2E (French Network on Electrochemical Energy Storage) (2023).

Interview given by Prof. Franco to the battery gigafactory company Envision (2023).

Invited lecture given by Prof. Franco to the Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquimica (2023).

Prof. Franco giving a lecture about his Pedagogy Innovation activities (2021).

Promotional video of the Université de Picardie Jules Verne where Prof. Franco and one of his PhD students (Abbos Shodiev) appear (2021).

Prof. Franco explaining his research activities, and his ERC-funded ARTITIC project in particular, at the national Pint of Science Festival (2020).

Prof. Franco presenting his research and Virtual Reality teaching activities to President of France Emmanuel Macron (2019) (Figaro Live).

Prof. Alejandro A. Franco and his pedagogical team recipients of one of the National Prizes for Pedagogy Innovation "PEPS 2019" (2019).

Prof. Franco giving an interview to the Region Hauts de France (France) about his ERC-funded ARTISTIC project at the Energy Hub in Amiens, France (2018).

Prof. Franco giving an invited talk about his ERC-funded ARTISTIC project in the Ceremonie des createurs d'avenir organized by the Université de Picardie Jules Verne (2018).

Prof. Franco giving a lecture in the Conference "La Transmission" organized by the Institut Universitaire de France (Strasbourg, France, May 28, 2018).

Prof. Franco giving an interview about his research position as Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France between 2016 and 2021 (2016).

(press the buttons below to play the audios or to go to the websites)

Interview Prof. Alejandro A. Franco in France Bleu Picardie Radio (October 9, 2019)
Prof. A.A. Franco's interview in the magazine Actu-Environnement about the concept of digital twins (2024). Prof. A.A. Franco's interview in France 3, talking about his ERC Proof of Concept project (2022). Prof. A.A. Franco's interview in the Chemistry Views magazine (Wiley, Chemistry Europe) about his Virtual Reality serious games for battery science education and popularization. Prof. A.A. Franco's interview in the Industrie & Technologies Magazine about the 1st edition of the "Battery Manufacturing Days" - ARTISTIC Project Webinar Series (26 June, 2020). Short Prof. A.A. Franco's interview in Wiley-Chemistry Europe about the importance of open data in science (April 2020) Article by the Italian magazine Auto21 appeared on December 14, 2019, discussing one of the scientific publications of Prof. Franco"s ARTISTIC team (Artificial Intelligence Investigation of NMC Cathode Manufacturing Parameters Interdependencies, Batteries & Supercaps (2020)) Article in Nature Journal, appeared on June 19, 2019, taking about the top 10 Chemistry research institutions in the World, and mentioning Prof. Alejandro A. Franco as one of the CNRS rising stars. Article in the JDA Magazine (France) about the Energy Hub, including an interview section about Prof. A.A. Franco's research activities (January 30, 2019) Short article about Prof. A.A. Franco's ARTISTIC project in the Picardie La Gazette magazine (December 4, 2018). Prof. Alejandro A. Franco's interview by the Institut de Chimie of CNRS (October 23, 2018). Prof. A.A. Franco's interview in the Newspaper La Nueva Provincia of Bahia Blanca city, Argentina (April 29, 2018) Prof. A.A. Franco's interview in the AEF info magazine about his ERC Consolidator Grant project (March 19, 2018) Communiqué de Presse by the Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV), about Prof. A.A. Franco's ERC Consolidator Grant (December 2017) Prof. A.A. Franco's interview in the regional newspaper Le Courrier Picard, regarding his ERC Consolidator Grant and the ARTISTIC project (December 19, 2017) Article in the French magazine Les Echos regarding the Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides, the Energy HUB and including Prof. A.A. Franco's interview about his ARTISTIC project (December 14, 2017) Publication by Prof. A.A. Franco's team in collaboration with Dr. K. Malek from SFU (Canada) highlighted by the magazine ECS Interfaces (2016) "Portrait de Chercheur" by Picardie Region (France) of Prof. A.A. Franco (June 2015): Prof. A.A. Franco's interview about his career, dreams, personality and daily hobbies. Prof. Franco's interview in the "Agir en Picardie" magazine, from Picardie Region (France) (November, 2014): as one of the three laureates of the 2013 call "Accueil Chercheur Haut Niveau" ("Hosted High Level Researchers") E-Newsletter of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (Fall 2013, Volume 5, Issue 3). Prof. Franco research activities have been highlighted in this E-Newsletter in September 2013 ("Research Group Highlights"). Review by Prof. Bruno Pollet (Hysa Systems, South Africa) of a chapter written by Prof. A.A. Franco in the book "Polymer Electrolyte Membrane and Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Technology", edited by C. Hartnig and C. Roth, Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK, 2012. Prof. Pollet's review is published in the magazine Platinum Metals Review (Johnson Matthey Plc) (volume 57, issue 2, pages 137-142, April 2013).
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